I originally was going to write my next post about my time spent last night in Chapel Hill, NC, but I have had a change of heart. (btw, I had a blast) Instead, today's post will be about "faith." The ability to believe in a concept or a set of ideas is a talent that many people do not have. Leaping before looking, Why is this so hard to do? It's known that the people who take chances; the people who act in faith, that something good will come from the things he/she is doing, are rewarded in the end. But it is the sacrifice that drives people wild. No One Wants To Sacrifice. No One Wants To Take A Loss. Let's think about this for a second. Personally, I would rather take a loss for something I believe in and lose, than to keep myself bound to the box that this society puts its citizens in.
Go for the guarantee!!!! Also known as playing it safe. Something I do not agree with. There are benefits for playing it safe, but can you truly be happy taking the safe way out, which is not neccesarily the route you really wanted to take. Being a teacher over an actor. An astronaunt over a college professor. Is it too hard of a concept to go out on faith? The fear of the unknown drives us all wild. But it is those of us that conquer our fears that accomplish great things in life.
Knowing this is a topic that will be debated and discussed for years and years, I will leave you guys with a question.
Is overcoming your fear of faith and leaping head first off a cliff worth the benefits, or do the disadvantages outweigh the advantages?
Definitely worth taking risks! Otherwise you'll never grow as a person. :)