Saturday, September 18, 2010

Money Makes Me...

How important is money to you? I understand this question could be answered in many different ways seeing as though everyone's situation is different, but in this world today money is somewhat important to everyone.

We live in a society where people are judged by their financial status. We all went to high school and we all know about the different ways we classify one another; the rich kids, the poor kids, the middle class that just seem to fit in, etc. Although, money can not buy love, it can put you in stressful situations, whether you have a lot of money or little to know money. The rich suffer from different problems then those of the poor class of people. So is it better to just be in the middle? I personally do not have to be rich, but I must be comfortable to be happy. It just so happens that money is needed in order to live comfortable in this day and time.

There are those that say, Money cant buy happiness... Money is the root of all evil... Money cant buy love... But at the end of the day what are we all talking about, "Money." So whether we like it or not money plays a major part on how we live our lives and how "comfortable" we are as human beings.

Agree or Disagree?


  1. Well, stacks I personally love money and without money I dont believe that I could make myself as happy. Now of course God of COURSE is the root to happiness and you should turn to him. But second to that I feel that being rich is not soooo important but being comfortable with enough money in your pocket to just go out and do what you want I think is what I need right now. :-)A lot of people try and act like they dont want or need money but no offense (please dont be mad) but those are the ones who mostly don't have it.On the other hand I don't believe money should run your life, you should be able to balance your morals,and remember who you are as a person but I do believe that MONEY makes this world go round!

  2. Everything is always better with money, at least that's what it seems like. But money is not everything and Diddy said more money more problems...y...but let me find out for myself lol

  3. I believe it's all about how you use the money u obtain... Money can really transform u into someone u r not or it could make u a better person... It is necessary tho

  4. Money is a big part of any mans/woman's life. The thing is, we are always unsatisfied as people, if we were ever satisfied we wouldn't go out and work to get more things that we never had. In this reasoning, people will always have a passion for money. Money can't always be the root of evil because you can do good with money as well. But in my belief money is the one thing that unites america. Money is on everyones mind in every country. Money makes the world go round.

  5. as far as material items the nmoney means a lot...but abstract items such as love and all other emotions then money means virtually nothing

  6. "I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor. Rich is better.” -Mae West :p

    I agree that having money definitely helps & creates a more comfortable, satisfying lifestyle. I think people can be happy with a little money or a lot of really just depends on the type of person you are. Some people are more simple & don't need a lot to make them happy. Others of us are less satisfied & need more to keep our thumpers "thumping". It's important to find things in your life that don't cost money that make you happy. Whether it's singing, dancing or writing..whatever it is, you must find it and hold on to it. It's important to find a balance between those "priceless" joys in life & the ones that cost ya.
    -Stina B

  7. Good Comments I agree with you guys... Me personally i need to be in a position to get what I want and support my family without worrying about what bills are do and so forth... but to each its own

  8. You need money to survive and although we all need it, I believe its what you do with it that makes you susceptible to its evils.

  9. Money does make this world go around, without it one will struggle to survive, unless they live off of someone else. Knowing how to spend your money wisely is the key though!Being able to live comfortably without the struggle or stress of financial debt is what one should aim for. Of course being rich would always be a plus but it's not a necessity for one to survive!
