Saturday, September 11, 2010

When Is It Time To Say Goodbye?

People who know me know I dont watch much tv, but lately I have been watching Jersey Shore. Jersey Shore is a reality tv show featuring a group of people from New Jersey and the surrounding area who have to live together, hence where the drama occurs. There is a couple on the show who have been getting a lot of attention over the past episodes, Sammie and Ron. Sammie, a typical head over heels into the relationship girl, is dating Ron on and off, but Ronnie keeps cheating on here. Not gonna go into too much detail on the show, but it is very entertaining I recommend watching it.

So when is it really time to say, enough is enough? Sammie is well aware of the way Ron acts and the way he treats her, but she continues to stay committed. I never understood why some females will stay in abusive, unstable, or bad relationships. Is love enough to keep you with a person that cheats, hits you, argues or calls you names? I see this happening a lot. When is it timeto say goodbye? Do you put up with it hoping that he or she will change in the long run? Or do you give up and just say goodbye?

Leave your opinion, I wanna hear what you all think...

1 comment:

  1. Looking from the outside of a relationship is different from what truly goes on in a realtionship. Its a lot easier to say goodbye then to actually move on! Trust me i know from experiecence! I was in a 4 year bullshit relationship...and i stayed around hoping this guy would change. But what i realized is that nothing i do, nothing i say, no matter how i feel, its not going to change the next person only thing thats going to change whats going on in our relationship is me! So thats what i had to realize was that if i want better, i gotta be better. So all the time and energy i was putting in this relationship i put into me and my aspirations. But enough is enough and a girl knows when she's had enough!
