Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Women Lie, Men Lie...

It seems this topic will always be up for debate so why not talk about it again. There is a superficial image that men and women display when they start a new relationship. Why do men and women do this? I think the reasons range from being wanted, to not wanting their spouse to see too much of them at once. Not to say that the other party would not like what they see or hear, but maybe too much of a good thing at once can run a person away.

So instead we choose to lie indirectly; not necessarily using falsifying statements to enhance our personality, but displaying an image of yourself that is pleasing to the eyes and ears. This ranges from dressing really nice, to saying things that you normally wouldnt say on a regular basis, and doing things that you normally would not do in a long term relationship. The problem with this is that no one can keep up the first impression that leave many thinking he/she is the one. Eventually, he/she is gonna is going to do, wear, or say something that you did not know could be said. Thats why you hear couples argue about things that they used to do, that they do not do anymore.

Do you agree with me? Do you think you give off a false persona of yourself to the opposite sex? Men lie and women lie, for it is a way of life and something that just seems to happen. What can we do to change it? Leave your opinions please. Thanks.


  1. I agree with you, I just think people hold back because they are not comfortable with the person yet. Basically when you’re talking to someone you’re trying to get to know their likes and dislike so you might bend a little to meet expectations (ex. Washing the girls car, when u know u would not do this on a regular basis). You are trying to impress her and woo them; I believe people should date for at least six months to find a person true character. But we don’t wait that long and so people should not be shocked when they truly show themselves.

  2. I think people do this without meaning to most of the time. And then they're disappointed later on when they realize that they fell in love with the idea of someone rather than the actual person. It's depressing to go through that. So a lot of people end up putting up defensive walls to protect themselves from that disappointment. It's a hard part of life for sure.

  3. Yes it does happen that way but I don't think it is a lie. It's the bliss stage that causes me and women to act that way. Of course when they get used to each other things change but that is because the situation changed, its not because that's not who that person is. If the bliss comes back into the relationship then that "first impression" activity comes back too. In my opinion...
